Portfolium provides students with a repository (a customizable portfolio) in which they can both showcase their work and reflect upon the significance of that work in relationship to their academic and professional goals. In addition, faculty can create Portfolium assignments which are integrated in ELMS-Canvas and then review and assess student work.
Fill out the following required fields in the New Assignment form:
Then, continue to fill out the Assignment Settings:
The assignment is now created in ELMS-Canvas, but needs to be linked to the Portfolium EDU Platform.
When you click on an assignment in ELMS-Canvas, the application connects you to the Portfolium EDU Platform. If you are new to the EDU Platform, you will be taken through the on- boarding flow to establish your account. After your account is created, you will be taken to the assignment setup page.
To link the two platforms:
The assignment opens in the Portfolium EDU Platform. Upon opening, the Create New Assignment form is the default view. You must now develop the assignment in Portfolium. Porfolium requires you to enter the following fields to create your assignment:
This image shows how to create the new assignment by filling out the top of the form.
This image shows how to create the assignment with assigning a category and scoring. The scoring is used to figure out the number of total points assigned in ELMS-Canvas.
The default setting is for the assignment to be published immediately. To create the assignment, click CREATE ASSIGNMENT.
The assignment is now created. A notice is displayed and you are redirected to the Portfolium Assignment list for the course.
To grade assignments, an instructor navigates to the assignment detail page within the Portfolium EDU Portal. This page shows the list of students associated with their assignments and the assignment status. Those assignments with a status of submitted are ready to be assessed. Click on the Score button.
In this view, the instructor can access the assignment, grade and give feedback to the student. When the Submit Score button is clicked, the grade is transferred to ELMS-Canvas.
Within ELMS-Canvas, the feedback and scoring you provided via Portfolium are pulled directly into the gradebook.